Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How long can I last?

A scene from our recent visit to the city

Today is the third day of the nineteen-day (one Baha'i month) fasting period in the Baha'i calendar. Because I am breastfeeding, I am exempt from observing the Fast. But because the physical fasting is only one aspect of the fasting month, it is still really important to me to make this month one of physical and spiritual rejuvenation. And that's actually where it helps to are reminded of this special period each time you feel a pang of hunger or thirst. So, in order to at least try to observe some type of fast, I decided I'd give up my morning coffee - the one thing that I MUST have every day (yep, I'd rather forgo a shower than miss my morning cuppa)!

So yesterday, the headache arrived. The one that said "lady, you are addicted to caffeine". Not even a headache tablet helped. When I woke this morning, it was worse than ever. I took two headache tablets before I even had my breakfast. My head still throbbed. I called up a friend and invited her over, something to take my mind off my sore head. She arrived and I asked her if she'd like a cuppa. "Only if you're having one" was the reply...

Hmmm....first hurdle - do I have a cuppa too, just so I can be polite and keep her company, or do I explain that I'm trying to go caffeine-free for fasting purposes (she doesn't know that I'm a Baha'i yet) and so break my fast before it's even begun? Well, I'm afraid I took option one and now feel like a complete failure...but at least my headache's gone!

1 comment:

  1. Caffeine is one of those drugs you do have to wean from and slowly, too.
    It took me many goes to give it up, I was pretty determined and as a result, I ended up pretty sick, sicking up many times through the day, and those headaches as you no nothing, but, caffeine stops them, sigh,
