Monday, August 10, 2009

Living the good life

Last Friday marked 18 months since we moved to this town. I've got to say that it's finally starting to feel like home. I feel like I've been taken off my L's and I'm now on my P's! There is a definite sense of acceptance and welcoming now that people know me better and know that we're here to stay. It feels so good! A few things have occurred recently that made me feel like I've started to turn the corner. One was when I rocked up to playgroup after the school holidays. I hadn't been around for about a month and people obviously started to notice that I was 'missing'. One of the mums told me that someone had asked after me and then the rumours started to fly - "Maybe she's left", "Maybe she's sick..."Maybe she's PREGNANT"! We joked at how the rumour mill works in a small town and I felt pretty pleased actually - I was missed enough to be talked about! It's sure funny what things make you feel settled in!

So, the weather's good (we need more rain though); I've made friends and I'm genuinely enjoying life here. It's all I could ask for - slow, simple, peaceful and happy. My in-laws are visiting too, which means that, besides the house being pretty crazy, I've got help with Boo and I can actually get a chance to pull the weeds from my garden and cook dinner without having to run into different rooms to supervise every three seconds.

Yesterday, me and my closest friend (plus her hubby and kids) went out to our farm - it's a ten minute drive from town. We have a flock of geese there that need to be let out for a forage every couple of days. Her kids love letting the geese out and topping up the food and water. We took a kite with us and of course, some snacks. At one point, the kids were all perched up on the boot of the car happily eating crackers'; her hubby was trying to get the kite up; the geese were happily wandering about and we were chatting away. The sun was warm, the breeze was cool, the view was magnificent. She looked at me and said "It's times like this when I think my kids have got such a good life". I couldn't have agreed more - only to extend it to include us as well - we have a brilliant life here too (just don't ask me about how good my life is when summer arrives - you might get a rude answer). Anyway, so basically I'm feeling pretty good these days - I feel like I've done my time and I've finally come out the other side. It's a good place to be!